Partnership Program2022-07-06T11:11:00-07:00

For young professionals who are frustrated with their work situation and feel unfulfilled and undervalued, with a strong lack of purpose in their job…




Finally find a career that makes you happy,

fits your life, and gets you paid…

…Regardless of where your previous education path took you, what your past jobs looked like or what career everyone thinks you’re “supposed” to be doing

Hi! I’m Patrice.

Espresso Connoisseur, dark chocolate lover [I’m all about “taste-testing” them to decide if it was worth the calories], San Francisco Bay area enthusiast, and previously an unhappy, rising corporate star turned Career Transition Specialist.

I’m also obsessed with helping driven employees save themself from an unfulfilling career and transition into one that they were meant for. It’s something I’ve helped thousands of people do (all of whom came in with no clear direction or idea of what they wanted). And if you allow it, I’d love to show you how I can do the same for you.

Inside this letter, I’m about to share what I believe is the most enjoyable, expansive, and effective way ever created for finding complete clarity on a career that satisfies your passion, fills you up in ways you never imagined, and supports you and your family more than comfortably.

One that provides you the entire soup-to-nuts process of understanding the career you want, finding it, and then making it your reality.

That’s why I’m so honored that you’re here, today.

Roughly 40 hours every week are spent at the office.

Therefore – isn’t it time to make sure every hour you devote
is with work that actually Lights. You. Up?

Whether you want a career where…

  • You’re surrounded by a team who has your back and shares the same vision and values
  • You’re passionate about your work because you know you’re making an impact
  • You’re in a healthy work environment that radiates great energy and productive spaces

  • You feel motivated, seen, appreciated, and the workplace joy flows into other areas of your life
  • You can carve out more time outside of work for other interests and personal development

…It’s clear to me that you don’t just want a career that looks “good” on paper.

You want a meaningful career that you look forward to going to. One that aligns with your passions and interests. One that encourages you to think bigger and foster new ideas…
One that makes you happy!

So, like the smart worker you are, you try to get the ball rolling on some sort of career change.
You try things like…

Which means – at no fault of your own – you’re still not quite

where you want to be

And in the meantime, here’s some of the enemies you’re battling…
  • It’s overwhelming, time-consuming, and mega confusing to know what you want and how to find it

  • There’s no guarantee that you’ll even find a decent job after searching forever, nevermind a dream career

  • With a previous degree & numerous trainings in your current field (plus..ahem..student loan debt), it’s hard to make any changes before things are paid off

  • Society told you to use your skills and hold onto jobs that you’re good at, anyway

Which at the end of the day, are all costing you more time, money, and happiness.

Look, I’m from Philly… while it’s no New York, I’m still not one to beat around the bush :)

So it’s right about here where I jump in and ruffle some feathers by saying…

I believe it’s possible to have passion & purpose in your work AND a good paycheck to go alongside it.

And I believe you’re meant to do work that you love waking up for and that fulfills you in every area of your life

You see, I’ve spent upwards of the last three decades helping young
professionals like you put an end to the cynical view of “you work and then you die” <— those words should be banished.

Introducing you to the…

A personal 9-month transformative life experience
Guaranteed to land you in a career that you LOVE…
…Backed by the entire step-by-step plan to get you there.

I can’t express enough gratitude for the guidance and help you provided to me. Before we worked together I was at my wits end trying to figure out what I wanted to do and if it was over possible for me to make a career change. I had so much self-doubt. My confidence was at an all-time low. I no longer felt like myself and didn’t like the direction I was headed.

Going through the coaching program helped me rebuild my confidence and find my inner peace, identify my new career, and land the job! I would not be where I am without having worked with you and I want others to be able to experience this too. I am a huge advocate of career (and life) coaching and counseling. It really does work wonders. Thank you for sharing your gift with me!”


Upon celebrating our 9-months together, you will…

  • Uncover unwavering clarity on the career field that you are meant to be in
    {Regardless of previous jobs you held, past education that you feel obliged to continue, or the career path that everyone says you should be doing}

  • Vastly improve your emotional, mental, and physical health in one solid swoop
    {Feel confident about who you are, break the chains of anxiety and depression that riddled you with an unhappy job, and step into a new you of more energy, more aliveness, and more ambition}

  • Identify, search, and solidify your new career path and dream job
    {Eliminate outside distractions and discover that dream jobs DO exist}
  • Draw meaningful, rewarding relationships into your life when you feel in FLOW every day
    {Deepen the relationships you have, inspire people around you, and become a role model for your kids, partner, and friends}
  • Step into a life of opportunity and adventure with a career change that feeds your passions, aligns with your interests, and contributes to major impact
    {Wake up genuinely looking forward to the day rather than just “going through the motions”}

Your career is a central pillar of your life. When you take care of this ONE piece…
Your health, finances, lifestyle, and happiness ALL follow suit

Here’s What’s Inside

The Fundamentals

Energy, Clarity, Confidence


You’ll start off with a bang as you jump into the Passion, Purpose, Paycheck self-study program, which becomes your north star to uncover and identify your life vision.

While most career coaches (along with society in general) say that your skills and previous education should determine your job – I help you shift that status quo and find a new way that feels more like YOU.

That’s because it’s not your skills, natural abilities, nor previous jobs that should determine your path, but rather it’s where your passions, interests, and lifestyle goals lay.

It’s about fitting your career into your life and NOT the other way around.


You’ll deep dive into the 5-Step Career Clarity Formula, the overall methodology and proven prerequisite for uncovering your ideal life and perfect career:

Step 1: Create Your Compelling Future Vision
Step 2: Update Your Operating System
Step 3: Build a Saboteur Management Toolbox
Step 4: Identify Your Zone of Genius
Step 5: Career Mapping


Nine+ 1:1 coaching sessions that supplement your Passion, Purpose, Paycheck self-study work to hone in on your self-knowledge, get decision-making tools and discover your workplace wants & desires.

You’ll walk away with complete clarity on the overarching career direction and lifestyle you want, with the beginning stages of your plan to get there unfolding.

The Creation

Research, Design and Build


With structure to your goals and a thorough understanding of what you truly want to do – you’ll now make it happen. You’ll elbow past any previous overwhelm and black-hole searches as you learn how to zero in on your front-running career possibilities.

You’ll identify roles and create opportunities with your new Career Blueprint Map – equipping yourself with the right steps to build this new career… many other “pros” teach this part wrong!

At this point, the only limits are your limiting beliefs (which you’ll get tons of help to break away from!) You’ll gain the proper headspace and tangible skills to research, design, and build the career you desire.


You’ll be equipped with every tool and skill set to strut into the LinkedIn scene, and build a solid network of influential and connection-heavy people.

You’ll work closely with a personal branding expert to tackle your resume and cover letter in order to communicate your value to potential employers (while staying sensitive and professional towards any current employers).

You’ll also work on a personal level with a LinkedIn Expert to update your profile and conduct research via the network you build, as you identify your next desired position.


Six 1:1 coaching sessions with Patrice + Resume & LinkedIn Sessions with the experts that provide hand-holding and accountability as you work your way through the creation process.

While session outcomes are devoted to career clarity and direction, each coaching call has access to all elements of therapeutic emotional work and can address – personal development, homelife setbacks, anxiety release, changing unwanted habits, and anything else as it arises. This is a holistic approach.

Career moves are life-changing, and you’re 100% supported not only in making the right move, but in making sure all other aspects of your life are humming during the transition.

The Implementation

Job Search, Interview, Negotiate and Land


Learn the proprietary process of ruling jobs *in* rather than the standard societal way of ruling jobs out.

Here, you’ll identify potential companies, positions, and training programs – ones that perfectly align with your standards. Like a dating matchmaker, we’ll be picky and precise that you’re putting yourself in front of ideal employers and dream opportunities.

With your new viewpoints on job satisfaction, work-life balance, and your updated definition around a career – you’ll find enjoyment in opportunities you hadn’t heard of, hadn’t thought were possible, had never realized you wanted, or had never even known existed before.

Here’s where you’ll carve out the YOU shaped spot in the market and find massive inspiration in what’s both possible and probable.


You’ll receive training dedicated to job search formulas and how to populate search tools that match your Career Blueprint Map.

Each assignment and expert training teaches you the timeless “musts” along with the latest techniques on how to ace the interview and command a call-back.

You’ll also receive personal training on how to confidently negotiate your salary and a benefits package that delights you…. Yes, you can!


Six 1:1 coaching sessions that meet you where you’re at with all your application, call-back, interview, and follow-up ebbs and flows.

Together, we’ll review your interview assets, practice mock interviews, and equip you with the confidence and know-how to land your dreamiest dream job and uplevel all parts of your life.

If I can make anything clear to you about this program…
It’s that the high level of individual support is like NO-OTHER

As you and I walk through each phase together, heres the five-star support you can expect:

Twenty-one 1:1 Personalized Advancement Coaching Calls

During our time together, you will receive 21 core and fundamental career coaching calls with me, Patrice, to dramatically move the dial in your career change.

Unlike other coaches this isn’t any fluffy stuff or filler work. With 38 years as a solution-oriented psychotherapist – find comfort in knowing that if you come in with a desire for a career change of any sort – then that’s exactly where I’ll take you.

No conversation is off-limits, and nothing is too big or too small to tackle. My genius is being able to step back and see the big picture painting – especially when the canvas is a little cloudy.

The amount that we can accomplish within twenty one sessions together is instrumental, providing you with a clean slate of limitless opportunity.

Career Transitional Assets

– Two (2) sessions with a resume expert to craft your transitional resume and cover letter

– Two (2) sessions with a LinkedIn expert to master your LinkedIn profile for your career transition

Unlimited access to the Passion Purpose Paycheck course

The self-paced 5-Step Career Clarity Program to tackle the fundamental career transition aspects to access anywhere, anytime that’s most convenient to you.

This fully-inclusive program provides every level of skill and knowledge. When pieced together with live support, your dreams become a matter of *when*, not if.

Unlimited email support

I’m a huge believer that any person can be successful in any field *when* they have the right support.

You’ll find comfort in knowing that I’m in your back pocket every step of the way to provide additional support, structure, and guidance whenever you need it.

Who doesn’t love a good bonus?!

Here are the extra assets youll receive upon enrollment…

Laser Interview Coaching (Value $997)

15-minute pop-up sessions for any interview preparation or interview debrief as needed

MBTI Assessment (Value $300)

Gain effective communication and collaboration skills through a personal report and consultation. You’ll learn to use your energy effectively and maximize your strengths through the Executive Type-to-type Online Toolkit.

5 Bonus Trainings inside the Passion Purpose Paycheck self-paced course (Value $1,485)

  • How to Create a Life Purpose Statement

  • Get Right With Your Money – release anxiety about money

  • LinkedIn – network your way to a new job

  • How to Create a Transitional Resume

  • Maximizing Your Pay Through Effective Negotiation

How The Ultimate Career Transition Partnership Program
stacks up against your other options…

Trying to rely on advice from your network of associates, trusted advisors, or working it out in therapy.2021-12-16T10:27:19-08:00

The holistic approach I provide as a Career Transition Expert, means you’ll deep dive into your dream lifestyle and your passions, uncovering jobs that you didn’t even know were a thing.

I love therapy (heck, I’m a therapist myself!), but if it’s not an advanced Career Transition Expert, it won’t result in pinpointing a specific career that is right for you.

Going at it alone, asking Mr. Google, and still wavering and wondering if you’re making the right decision…2021-12-16T10:41:49-08:00

Working together inside the Ultimate Career Transition Partnership Program means you are rooted, grounded, and 100% completely confident that you have found the career you are meant for. No wavering or second-guessing.

The “ah-ha” moments are profound, and the assurance is comforting when you know without a doubt that you have landed the right job and are exactly where you’re meant to be.

No true plan except for “searching & scrolling”2021-12-16T10:43:19-08:00

This program was built on a proven 5-step Career Clarity Formula with actionable steps to get you from point A to point Dream Job.

Hiring vocational coaches, career counselors, or taking job assessments to try and squeeze out quicker results.2021-12-16T10:44:38-08:00

To put it bluntly, I’ve had a majority of my clients come to me *after* they’ve hired a slew of other mentors first. These initial hires are often a quick-fix method that eventually unravels because the work didn’t get to the root of your passions, desires, lifestyle goals, and interests.

And for the record, most job-matching that others provide, are from a predetermined lineup of jobs, rather than any new outside-the-box opportunities.

Spending soooo much time in analysis paralysis and therefore staying unhappy in your current position.2021-12-16T11:09:06-08:00

This program was built around a Plan, Support, Action, and Accountability. Within moments of enrolling, you’ll be welcomed into a supportive environment and presented with Step 1 of the Career Clarity Formula Plan.

No waiting around, no pushing your goals back.

Hiring other “coaches” who just paint the fluffy dream, but don’t have the human design and psychology pieces to back it up.2021-12-16T11:13:51-08:00

When we become partners, you gain my 38 years as a practicing psychotherapist AND you tap into my team of resources who are all devoted to this deep and transformative work (and who have all been in your shoes, too)

The Ultimate Career Transition Partnership
Program Guarantee

You’re here because you want to make a career shift into one that you absolutely love. You’re on a mission to fulfill your goals of having a career that lights you up, that is meaningful, and that you know helps you make a contribution to the world by using your gifts, passion, and skills. And I know this partnership program will get you there.

What I’ve laid out for you inside The Ultimate Career Transition Partnership Program has helped hundreds of professionals with all varying backgrounds, experiences, time constraints, and skill levels complete that same goal. And that’s why I know that if you’re committed to this transition, it will work for you as well.

Once we begin our partnership, my promise is to provide you with every piece of knowledge, content, and support that I have poured my heart into over the last 3 decades as a therapist, career transition specialist, and a career changer myself.

Here’s where you have my word:

After our 9 months together, if you haven’t found the type of clarity and direction that you desire, I will personally add on an extra 3-months of 1:1 commitment, to give you an additional quarter of my professional support absolutely free.

This program was created for you to succeed, and I stand by my word to make that happen.

Even though I was successful in other areas of my life, when it came to having a clear direction for my career I was feeling frustrated, trapped and hopeless. I kept trying things that never worked out long-term. My approach to finding a career I wanted to stay in wasn’t working. That’s why I decided to get expert help from Patrice, someone with a proven track record of helping people find a career they love.

During our coaching sessions, Patrice led me through thought-provoking questions and exercises that had a significant impact on how I viewed myself and my potential career opportunities. Within weeks I started to get clear about a long-term vision of a career I felt passionate about.

I’m now headed in a new direction, feeling energized and motivated to achieve my career goals. Coaching with Patrice put me on track to create the rewarding, successful life I want.


Yes, you really can love Mondays

Let’s recap exactly what you’ll receive

  • 9-month High-Level Coaching Partnership to find out who you are, what you love to do, and how to get paid for it

  • Passion Purpose Paycheck self-study program (Value $3,500)
  • Twenty-one 1:1 Personalized Advancement Coaching Calls (Value $8,000)
  • Two (2) sessions with a Resume Expert to craft your transitional resume and cover letter (Value $900)
  • Two (2) sessions with a LinkedIn Expert to master your LinkedIn profile for your career transition (Value $600)

  • Unlimited Email Support (Value $900)
  • BONUS Laser Coaching for Interview Prep & Debriefs (Value $997)

  • BONUS MBTI Assessment & Results Consultation (Value $300)

  • BONUS 5 Bonus Trainings inside the Passion Purpose Paycheck self-paced course (Value ($1,485)

Partnership Program Value = $16,682

Your Investment: $10,000

Payment options available. I don’t believe price should be the reason you can’t get the career you love.

Choose your payment option:



(save $973 with full pay!)


$2,000 today

plus 9 installments of $997

Book a call with me to find out if this program is a fit for you.

You may be wondering…

Why does it cost so much?2021-09-22T10:07:55-07:00

I’ve looked at lots of other programs and career coaches out there and here’s what I know to be true:

  • Those programs and “pro’s” don’t have the depth of knowledge, experience and proven system to get you the results I can get you, Period! I know that sounds bold, but it’s true.

  • You can hire someone cheaper but it’s like shopping for a budget brain surgeon and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t choose the person you’re trusting your life with based on price. You’d choose that person based on their track record and reputation. I’ve got both – a whopping 38 years of experience and more that 1000+ success stories. Check the testimonials on this page.

  • This is a soup to nuts, comprehensive program that includes everything, and I mean everything, you need to go from point A to point Dream Job.

  • There are no other programs out there that I’m aware of that give you as much private 1-1 coaching support tailored to your exact needs and your schedule. You get my personal attention for 21 coaching sessions along with bonus laser interviewing coaching sessions and a special MBTI report and consultation session so you can use your energy effectively at home and work. Not to mention the Resume and Linkedin Experts who personally work with you in this partnership program.

  • I believe you get what you pay for, and if you want to make your dream of having a career and a life you love come true, this is exactly what I am offering you.

  • Your ROI is exponential and it starts on day one when you enter this partnership program and continues to grow well past the time we work together. You’ll look back and see this as the pivotal turning point that has made all the difference in being able to have a purposeful, meaningful career.

Why does it take so long? Why 9 months? Can’t I do this quicker?2021-09-20T18:08:10-07:00

Most programs out there are much shorter because they lack the depth of what you really need in order to discover who you are and what career is right for you. They also often leave you stranded in a place where you may second-guess the career choice you make. A cornerstone of my program and our partnership is to get you “rock solid confident” about what you want and then we give you everything you need to bring your dream to reality – you can check out the 3 phases of the partnership program in the section above, but in a nutshell we’re getting you crystal clear about the career you want, then you get the supplies you need, like the transitional resume and Linkedin profile so you can build the connections along with all the coaching and support you need to ace the interview and land in your new job!

Why can’t I just do this alone?2021-09-20T18:08:19-07:00

My guess is that you’ve been trying to figure this out on your own already. Every client who’s ever come to me has already done their research whether it’s using the internet, talking to friends, family and mentors, taking assessments and tests, reading books, you name it, and still, you end up questioning what the right career choice is. Time is money and you’ve already spent lots of time on this so that means you’ve spent money on it and you’re still not where you want to be. The truth is that there are some few lucky people who somehow fall into the right career but for the rest of us, it means getting professional help. I’m a Career Transition Expert and my recommendation is not to waste any more time because what you have here is the path forward and the answer to the question you’ve been asking. You want to know “how” to find a career that’s going to make you happy. This Career Transition Partnership Program is the “how” you’ve been looking for.

My goals for changing my career are very confidential. How do I know nobody will find out?2021-09-20T18:08:41-07:00

Our work together is completely confidential, no one but you needs to know you are working on a career transition. When you work with our resume and Linkedin experts they are very sensitive to your needs to keep this private. We will guide you on best practices on using online tools and resources so you can network and interview discreetly. No one, not your employer, colleagues, or anyone else will know until you want them to. We have all of this covered for you!

The Ultimate Career Transition Partnership Program Is For You If:

You are in an established career but want to get more out of your passions and out of your life.

It’s for you if you’re ready to invest in a professional to take you on the most streamlined, enjoyable, and effective way there.

That means – regardless of what you went to school for, what type of job you’re in now, and what you were always told you “should do” – this live 1:1 partnership program will help you get Swarovski crystal clear on where you want to take your career, and then will help you implement it and live it out.

The self-study portion paired with the live 1:1 coaching components with myself, Patrice, are designed in a methodically and detailed way to help you flush your options out – so regardless of the industry or area you happily settle on – you will receive the content and support to carve out a career and lifestyle your way, on your terms. And the way the expert support is structured – over two-dozen hand-holding coaching calls, accountability, guest experts, and action plans – you betcha we’re gonna get you there.

Overall, you’re here because you’re interested in gaining clarity on the career path that you’re meant to have – one that makes you happy, fits into your life, and gets you paid!

So who is this former rising corporate star turned Career Transition Specialist, anyway?

Simply put, I was you.

I was the gal with the degrees, the one who had a decent salary, and the one who had sparkly-looking things from the outside looking in…

But the inside? I was empty, unfilled, and uninspired with my work.

I’ve been in your shoes.

I’ve been in your shoes.

I know what it’s like to have to go to a job that just isn’t you.

When I finally got the help I needed to find the career I was really meant for, my entire life changed. My energy and joy returned. I felt like I’d come back from the dead! I had a strong sense of purpose and meaning in my life. I felt truly happy for the first time in years.

Turns out I was meant to help others find their place in the world too! I became a psychotherapist and now specialize in helping young professionals like you figure out what you really want to do so you can have, not just a career you love, but a life you love.

Here’s the thing…

Just because you’re unhappy at work doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. All it means is that you’ve got something more that’s calling and you need to find out what that is. It’s time to uplevel your life and your happiness!

With my background and knowledge of the human mind I know how to help you zero in on what sparks your energy and aliveness and plug that into the world of work.

The good news is that the partnership program I created is based on my experience working with 1000+ clients helping them create what they really desired.

My life’s work and my happiness revolves around helping young professionals who haven’t yet found their sweet spot discover what it is that truly lights them up. There is nothing more satisfying and meaningful to me than helping someone figure out what they really want to do and then go do it!

Here’s what happens next…

The “Find Out If This Is For You” button will lead you to a brief application where I’ll ask you a few preliminary questions about your goals. From there, well jump on a call to ensure it’s a right fit on both ends. This confirms I’m the right mentor for you, as well as making sure that you’re in the perfect position to crush your career goals.

And if you’re unsure about your goals – not to worry, I’m here to help you out!

It pains me to see all the well-educated employees in our world… Who feel stuck, burnt out, and unfulfilled in their career.

It’s time to make a plan, take action, and feel like you’re back in control with your life plans. All I’m asking is that you trust the process and challenge your goals…
And lets see just what you’re capable of.

Before working with Patrice, I was at a major crossroads and was facing some big life decisions. Despite going through a vocational evaluation, I still wasn’t sure about the right direction to take in my career. I felt confident about the nature of the career that I wanted but felt that there was a vital piece to my life puzzle that was missing – self-doubt and discouragement seemed to be an ever-present cloud above my head. I knew I was stuck. That’s why I sought Career Clarity Coaching from Patrice.

During the coaching, Patrice helped me get out of overwhelm and confusion by guiding me to identify my values and prioritize what was really important to me. I was able to set goals, get focused and take the right actions. Instead of being driven by anxiety, I was gaining confidence and trust in myself.

Now everything’s so clear. I feel confident in my decision about my new career path and everything is opening up for me! Working with Patrice has been the missing link I needed. It’s been the driver to my new sense of empowerment, excitement and productivity. Patrice led me on this journey of discovery with compassion and caring. Coaching with her has given me new energy, strength and tools to resolve future challenges as I move forward in my new career.


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